About the Local Governing Body

Remit of the Local Governing Body

The purpose of the LGB is to ensure that there is sufficient local governance at the school, which itself forms part of a multi-academy trust comprising a number of different schools in Devon. This multi-academy is called the Ventrus, and it is the Board of Directors which holds statutory responsibility for governance at our school.

The Board of Directors has delegated responsibility for governance of local issues to the LGB. The full Terms of Reference for the LGB are available below, but some of the LGB's key responsibilities include: monitoring the School Improvement Plan and the quality of teaching and learning in the school; monitoring the implementation of behaviour policies in the school; monitoring the use of sports premium and pupil premium funds, and provision for SEND; and reviewing local compliance with health and safety and safeguarding.

The current Terms of Reference for the LGB can be found by clicking the link below:

For more information about Ventrus, and its Board of Directors please visit the Ventrus website by clicking the following link:

Information about becoming an LGB member

If you are interested in becoming involved with the school LGB then please make contact through the school office, or by speaking with the Headteacher, to register your interest.