Physical Education
Physical Education (P.E.) Curriculum
At Sampford Peverell Primary School, we aim to support pupils in developing the skills, knowledge and competence to flourish in a range of sports and physical activities. We aim to deliver high-quality learning opportunities that enable and inspire children to achieve their personal best. With the use of learning powers, we encourage children to be collaborative and cooperative with others as part of an effective team. Children take part in competitive sport which includes opportunities to participate in sporting events at other schools within the trust. We encourage children to always do their best and recognise their own success whilst promoting good sportsmanship. Our curriculum aims to embed life-long values that include knowledge about well-being and fitness so that our pupils can make well-informed decisions to lead healthy and active lives. Swimming is an important life skill and we aspire for all children to leave primary school being able to swim at least 25 metres.
- Teachers use and adapt Get Set 4 PE’s planning and resources to ensure all year groups are offered high-quality lessons that scaffold on to one another. This high-quality resource is used to promote progression throughout their physical education in primary school.
- We have a rolling curriculum programme that ensures children partake in a range of sporting activities including; invasion games, net and wall games, strike and field games, gymnastics, dance, athletics, fitness, swimming and outdoor and adventure.
- All classes partake in Jump Start Jonny fitness videos on a daily basis, which helps them achieve the 10-a-day mental health aims of our PSED offer by linking physical and mental well-being.
- In the summer term, we have an annual sports week where children have the opportunity to partake in a range of different sports whilst working with experts in their field. These sports widen our offer and expose children to sports premises such as tennis courts, cricket grounds and golf courses.
- In KS2, children partake in the daily mile around the school premises to improve their fitness and to make the link between healthy bodies and healthy minds.
- Swimming lessons are offered on a rolling basis to ensure every child gets at least one opportunity to take lessons at a local swimming pool during their time in our school, with the children in UKS2 who are unable to swim offered additional lessons to ensure we meet the aim of every child being able to swim 25 metres.
- To broaden our offer, across the school children have opportunities to participate in a range of sports events at other schools within our trust. We also have links with members of the community that provide a range of clubs.