Phonics - Read Write Inc
Read Write Inc (RWI)
RWI is a synthetic phonics programme that teaches children to read. Children are taught sounds and their corresponding letter/letters groups using simple picture prompts. More information about RWI can be found on the Oxford Owl website.
The documents below will also explain how you can support your child to read at home.
Meet Fred the Frog...he only speaks in sounds, so he is a firm friend throughout your child's time learning their RWI Phonics! The Fred games below will support your child to hear the sounds that form a word. Before your child begins their reading journey, you can practise using Fred Talk to help them hear sounds blended together. Using Fred Talk with your child will really support them in being able to blend sounds together to read words as they begin to learn their set 1 sounds and beyond.
Below are some Fred Talk games for you to try with your child. It is really important to say the sounds correctly so click here to learn how to pronounce the sounds.
When your child enters Reception, they will be taught their Set 1 sounds. These sounds are then blended together so that they can begin to read words. Using Fred Talk prior to this will really support your child in being able to blend. Once your child learns Set 1 sounds and is able to blend, they will be sent home word time words to practise blending their known sounds together to read words. At the end of the Autumn Term, they will be assessed and placed into a RWI group which reflects the sounds they have remembered. We also take into account your child's ability to blend.
Once they are in red group and above, they will be sent home short texts which match their phonics knowledge. This book is a celebration of their reading and we recommend that they read it at least three times; once for decoding, once for fluency and once for comprehension.
Read Write Inc and the National Curriculum. The documents below show how RWI is closely matched to the National Curriculum in Years 1 and 2.
Expectations of Progress
The document below will inform you of each half terms expectations. It will explain which book your child should be on by the end of each term.
Year 1 Phonic Screening Check
Please click on this link to watch the video to find out more about the phonics screening check. The document below will also tell you more about the check and give suggestions as to how you can support your child at home.
Handwriting - Letter formation
As you child learns each sound, they will learn to write the letter for the corresponding sound. Developing the correct letter formation early will support their writing development as they move through the school so please support your children in forming their letters correctly at home. Videos of how to do this can be found here and you can also print sheets to practise on here.
At school, we promote a tri-pod grip and more information about this can be found here.
Below are some useful documents to help explain the stages of early writing and the stages of how we teach handwriting within RWI lessons.
Below you will find the different sounds that your child will learn. Set 1 is taught when they enter Reception, Set 2 is taught once they are on green story books and Set 3 is taught when they reach pink story books. Being able to quickly recall these sounds will support your child's reading development so please practise at home and give lots of encouragement. Please remember that children who make a positive start to reading achieve well as they progress through the school.
In school, we separate the sounds into Simple Speed Sounds (Sets 1 and 2) and Complex Speed Sounds (Sets 3 and 3+). Children have access to these in order to support their writing: particularly to consider different spelling patterns and alternative sounds as they move up through the school. Both posters are attached below if you wish to have a copy at home.
Below you will find some green and red words which you can use to speed up your child's reading. As children become more confident readers, they will begin to read words by sight. Being able to do this speedily, will really support their reading fluency as they progress through the school.